Dads for Daughters in STEM
Building STEM Curiosity, Confidence & Critical Skills can Create a Brighter Future for All
At Dads for Daughters in STEM (D4DSTEM), we believe that building curiosity, confidence and critical skills in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) will help prepare kids for any career path they choose to pursue to live better lives.
What We Believe
Our world is changing fast. We don’t know what the jobs of the future will be, but at D4DSTEM, we believe that foundational skills in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) will help prepare kids for any career path they choose to pursue.

What We Do
D4DSTEM provides diverse and fun STEM activities / toys, resources, and events to caregivers and kids that build confidence, curiosity and critical skills to prepare youth – particularly girls – for a brighter future.

Why We're Here
Our goal is to ensure that all Canadian kids between the ages of 3 to 10 – particularly girls who have been historically underrepresented in STEM – are given equal opportunity to build our future.